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Kinesiology and Public Health Directory

The Kinesiology and Public Health Department faculty are fully dedicated to making every student's experience at Cal Poly fulfilling, meaningful, and challenging. All faculty members have substantial industry experience and are readily available to share that experience with students for both academic and career counseling.

REMINDER: Office hours are not finalized until the 2nd week of the quarter. Please contact the instructor via email or phone until office hours are posted.

Department Contact

Kinesiology and Public Health Department 
California Polytechnic State University 
San Luis Obispo, CA 93407-0400 USA 
Call 805-756-2545| Text 805-242-3118| Fax 805-756-7273 

Virtual office hours at https://calpoly.zoom.us/j/96402112050 Monday through Thursday from 2:00pm–3:00pm or by appointment

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Department Chair

Name specialization Office Phone (805) Email


2024 Office Hours

Photograph of Todd HagobianTodd Hagobian, Ph.D.

Diabetes and Obesity prevention. Metabolism and physiology.

43A-458E 756-7511 thagobia@calpoly.edu MTuWTh: 2:10-3:00pm at 43A-458E


Name specialization Office Phone  (805) Email

Julia Jones

Julia Jones

Administrative Support Coordinator




Emily Kelly

Instructional Support Technician 43A-458B 756-2243 ekelly08@calpoly.edu

Eric Benson

Instructional Support Technician 

43A-458C or     


756-7525 ecbenson@calpoly.edu
Sarah Allred Administrative Support Assistant 43A-457 756-2545


Angela Marino Administrative Support Coordinator - CHR 43A-455 756-0673



Name specialization Office Phone  (805) Email Spring 2024 Office Hours
Julia Alber, Ph.D. 

Cancer prevention,  Public Health Communication

43A-367 756-1779 jmalber@calpoly.edu  
Darren Avrit   43A-363 756-2545 (messages only) davrit@calpoly.edu

MW: 10:00-11:00am at 43A-363

TuTh: 11:00am-12:00pm at 43A-363

F: 10:00-11:00am at 43A-363 or 43 -200 (rec center main gym)

Caroline Chance   43A-355 756-2545 (messages only) cchanc01@calpoly.edu  
Photograph of Robert D. Clark, Ph.D.Robert D. Clark, Ph.D.

Neuromechanical basis for movement; Biomechanics and Motor Control.

43A-364 756-0285 rdclark@calpoly.edu

MTh: 2:00-3:00pm at 43A-150

Tu: 4:00-5:00pm at 43A-150

WF:10:10-11:00am at 43A-150


Photograph of Don CleggDon Clegg, MS Clinical Exercise Physiology and Exercise and Aging 43A-373 756-2182 dclegg@calpoly.edu

MW: 2:30-4:00pm at 43A-373

Melissa Cline   43A-368   mcline06@calpoly.edu

TuTh: 8:00-9:00am and 11:00am-12:00pm at 43A-368

W: 9:00am-12:00pm at 43A-368

Photograph of Steven Craig Davis, Ph.D.Steven Craig Davis, Ph.D.

Exercise and Applied Physiology

43A-353 756-2754


MW: 1:10-2:00pm at 43A-353
TuTh: 3:10-4:00pm at 43A-353
Photograph of Christine Hackman, Ph.D.Christine Hackman, Ph.D.

Public Health. Health Education and Promotion

43A-372 756-1363 chackman@calpoly.edu

Tu: 9:10-11:00am on zoom

Th: 11:10am-1:00pm at 43A-372

Also available by appointment

Photograph of Kellie Green HallKellie Green Hall, Ph.D.

Motor Behavior

25-231 756-1776 kghall@calpoly.edu By appointment
Cory Greever, Ph.D. 

Exercise Physiology

43A-369 756-2103 greever@calpoly.edu

MW: 12:30-2:30pm on zoom

Nicole Hagobian   43A-366  756-5649 nhagobia@calpoly.edu  

Tu: 9:00-11:00am at 43A-366

Th: 9:00-11:00am on zoom

Photograph of Kristine Jankovitz, Ph.D.Kristine Jankovitz, Ph.D. Public Health, Health Promotion, Health Education



756-2534 kjankovi@calpoly.edu

By appointment only. 

Book time with Kris Jankovitz 


Sarah Keadle,  Ph.D.

Physical activity epidemiology. Wearable sensors to measure physical behavior.

43A-370 756-1785 skeadle@calpoly.edu Tu: 1:00-3:00pm on zoom
W: 10:00am-12:00pm at 43-370 

Adrienne Lent, DrPH 





M: 12:10-1:00pm on zoom (Contact for passcode)
W: 9:10-10:00am on zoom (Contact for passcode)
Stefanee Maurice, Ph.D.

Sport and Exercise Psychology, Sport Sociology

43A-365 756-2541 somauric@calpoly.edu

MW: 2:30-3:30pm at 43A-365

Tu: 12:10-2:00pm at 43A-365 

Photograph of Camille O'Bryant.Camille O'Bryant, Ph.D.

Associate Dean for Student Success, Welfare and Issues of Diversity and Inclusion, BCSM. Psychosocial aspects of physical activity/sports; Multicultural issues in sport, exercise and physical activity

25-232 756-1787 cobryant@calpoly.edu By appt at www.calendly.com/cobryant 
Christie O'Hara   43A-151 756-2545 (messages only) crohara@calpoly.edu MW: 2:00-3:00pm at 43A-151
Photograph of Suzanne Phelan, Ph.D.Suzanne Phelan, Ph.D.

Obesity Treatment and Prevention

43A-374 756-2087 sphelan@calpoly.edu TuTh: 12:00-1:00pm at 43A-374 and by appointment
Photograph of Joni RobertsJoni Roberts, DrPH CHES

Global health; Young adult sexual health; Cultural beliefs

43A-354 756-5637 jrober81@calpoly.edu
Adam Seal   43A-357   adseal@calpoly.edu W: 2:00-3:00pm at 43A-357
Photograph of Jafra ThomasJafra D. Thomas, Ph.D.

Sport and Exercise Psychology, Sport Sociology

43A-376 756-5636 jthoma84@calpoly.edu MW: 1:30-3:30pm at 43A-376
Marilyn Tseng,    Ph.D.

Health disparities and immigrant health. Public Health Nutrition.

43A-351 756-2196 mtseng@calpoly.edu W: 12:00-1:50pm at 43A-351
Th: 11:10am-1:00pm at 43A-351
Photograph of Alison K. Ventura, Ph.D.Alison K. Ventura, Ph.D.

Obesity Prevention during Infancy and Early Childhood; Parent-Child Interactions; Caregiver Feeding Practices

43A-371 756-5693 akventur@calpoly.edu M: 11:10am-12:00pm at 43A-371 and on zoom
Tu: 2:10pm-3:00pm at 43A-371 and on zoom

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Part-Time Faculty

Name Office Phone  (805) Email FALL 2023 Office Hours
Bradshaw, Victoria 43A-357   vbradsha@calpoly.edu

TuTh: 12:00-2:00pm at 43A-357

MWF: By appointment only

Brandstetter, Kenneth 43A-352 756-2545 (messages only) kbrandst@calpoly.edu 

F: 1:30-2:30pm on zoom

Coryell, Julia 43A-375

756-2545 (messages only)


Escobedo, Krysti

43A-358   krescobe@calpoly.edu

W: 7:10-8:00pm

F: 9:10-10:00am

Flores, Gabby 43A-352   gflore44@calpoly.edu  
Goldie, Steve 65-118 756-2545 (messages only) mustanglanes@gmail.com MTuWTh: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm at Mustang Lanes
Goughnour, Alisa 43A-352

756-2545 (messages only)

Hall, Greg 43A-352

756-2545 (messages only)

Hunter, Luna 43A-352 756-2545 (messages only)  tfshort@calpoly.edu   
Iscold, Amy 43A-363 756-2545 (messages only) aiscold@calpoly.edu  

Johnson, Carra 


756-2545 (messages only) 


Tu: 10:00-11:30am on zoom 

W: 1:30-3:00pm on zoom

Johnson, Paige 43A-352

756-2545 (messages only)

Meyer, Max 43A-352

756-2545 (messages only)

Nelson, Christine 43A-355 756-5367 (messages only) cinelson@calpoly.edu M: 1:10-3:00pm on zoom
W: 9:10-10:00am at 43A-355
F: 11:10am-12:00pm at 43A-355
Newel, Charley   756-2545 (messages only) cnewel@calpoly.edu   
Proll, Bill  


Sigler, Christopher 43A-352 756-2545 (messages only) jsigler@calpoly.edu  
Sorensen, Ena 43A-359

756-2545 (messages only)

sorensen@calpoly.edu W: 9:10-10:00am at 43A-359
Starnes, Heather  

756-2545 (messages only)

Streder, KT 43A-359

756-2545 (messages only)

kstreder@calpoly.edu Tu: 12:00-2:00pm at 43A-359
Th: 9:30-11:00am on zoom
Torgerson, Louise 42-205E 756-7041 ltorgers@calpoly.edu  
Yassa, Laura   756-2545 (messages only)  lyassa@calpoly.edu   

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