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Internship FAQs

Who is required to complete KINE/HLTH 463?

When can I enroll in KINE/HLTH 463?

Who helps me plan my fieldwork experience?

How do I select my fieldwork site?

Do I have to do my fieldwork in San Luis Obispo?

Do I have to complete all hours in one quarter?

If I completed a summer internship before coming to Cal Poly, can that count as credit for KINE/HLTH 463?

What should I do if I've already been accepted into an internship for this coming summer/quarter?

Who is required to complete KINE/HLTH 463?

All Kinesiology students in the Exercise Science and Health Promotion/Education tracks must take KINE 463. ICS students should meet with their advisor to review specific program requirements. All Public Health students must take HLTH 463.

When can I enroll in KINE/HLTH 463?

Students are required to hold junior or senior status to apply for fieldwork placement. The application will be reviewed by the respective Fieldwork Coordinator and student to determine the most appropriate quarter for fieldwork placement. Many factors will influence the quarter of placement: remaining courses, geographical location, career goals, site availability, etc. Students must be aware of deadlines and KINE 463 meetings. Students are encouraged to meet with the respective Fieldwork Coordinator prior to junior year for more specific information. 

Who helps me plan my fieldwork experience?

Students should begin by reviewing the Fieldwork web page. The next step is to meet with the appropriate Fieldwork Coordinator, complete the Fieldwork Application, and determine the appropriate quarter for fieldwork experience. For first meeting with Fieldwork Coordinator, please bring concentration flow chart, list of remaining courses, and the projection of when courses will be taken.

How do I select my fieldwork site?

The selection of a site should match the student's need to fulfill professional and academic goals. The following points should be considered when selecting a site:
1. The site should be a recognized and established hospital/clinic, private/public/non-profit or corporation setting that welcomes students.
2. The site should have a well-balanced program that provides a variety of experiences, appropriate for the student's continued professional growth.
3. The site must have a qualified supervisor for the student. This supervisor should be willing to mentor the student, initiate evaluations, be available for problem-solving, to introduce the student to new skills, and to guide the student in a professional manner.
4. The site staff should be willing to conduct an orientation program and provide active leadership training for the student.
5. The site should have sound administrative policies and procedures relating to budget and finance, publicity and public relations, operations and personnel management.
6. The site should encourage the student's professional growth.
7. The on-site supervisor must be willing to periodically evaluate the student and hold the student responsible for completion of assigned tasks.

Do I have to do my fieldwork in San Luis Obispo?

Fieldwork may be completed anywhere in the world! The Department of Kinesiology and Public Health has long standing relationships with many community organizations; students are advised to identify facilities that offer experiences closely related to the student’s professional goals. The Bay Area, Los Angeles, San Diego, and Fresno are popular destinations for Cal Poly fieldwork students. Students should research the geographical location of interest and identify potential fieldwork sites. The Fieldwork Coordinators will maintain a list of sites in various geographic areas. 

Do I have to complete all hours in one quarter?

It is strongly recommended that students complete all required hours (200) in one quarter. Students MUST be enrolled at Cal Poly during the quarter. Students MUST be enrolled in school during the quarter of their fieldwork experience. Exceptions may occur due to needs of the fieldwork site (e.g., some sites require a multi-quarter commitment). Consent of Fieldwork Coordinator and On-Site Supervisor are needed before a student is able to complete a multi-quarter fieldwork experience. A student who does not complete ALL hours in the designated time period will receive an RP (report in progress) until the hours and documentation are completed. An RP becomes an F if hours are not completed in one year from the date of enrollment. Not completing internship hours may have negative effects on GPA, graduation date, and/or requirements for graduate school. 

If I completed a summer internship before coming to Cal Poly, can that count as credit for KINE/HLTH 463?

Retroactive credit is not given for previous internships. The department wants to ensure that students are given real responsibility and can gain valuable industry related experience from their internship. 

What should I do if I've already been accepted into an internship for this coming summer/quarter?

Email Professor Nicole Hagobian (Kinesiology) or Christine Nelson (Public Health) with information about the organization and duties you will be performing as soon as possible. Include the name, position, and contact information of the supervisor in the email. It is critical for students to have a supervisor/mentor during their experience in order to get the most out of the fieldwork.



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